🌟代理商授權 100%正貨保證

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‼️ 總公司通告 ‼️ 推出「防偽識別代號碼 」給客人查核 NEO Hair Lotion在網絡市場上,成爲受消費者歡迎及長期支持的品牌。但假冒產品亦另生產商及消費者們面對重大問題。 我們了解到客戶有可能感到不安及猶豫不決:「如何區分正品和假冒商品 ? 」 Green Wealth Healthcare Co., Ltd.作爲品牌所擁有者,有責任識別侵權行爲並採取行動,保護我們的知識產權。 現各用戶可以通過掃描盒子上的QR碼貼紙來區分合法和假冒的Neo Hair Lotion 。連接到泰國官方查核網站,在貼紙上刮開就能顯示一次性檢測代碼號,輸入代碼後,即可檢查其合法性並告知您"正品"或"假品"。 Dear Customer, Counterfeit Neo Hair Lotion have flooded the Internet and online market places have become a significant problem to brand and consumers. Counterfeit products are often of very poor quality, providing a negative connotation to the legitimate brand/seller. This leads to customer dissatisfaction and negative reviews, a decline in customer trust, and long-term damage to the legitimate seller’s reputation. Users may struggle to differentiate between legitimate and counterfeit goods, diminishing the brand’s perception in the marketplace. Brand loyalty and consumer trust quickly erode. Green Wealth Healthcare Co., Ltd. As brand owner is responsible for identifying infringement and taking action to protect our intellectual property, user may differentiate between legitimate and counterfeit Neo Hair Lotion by scanning the QR code sticker on the box will immediately link you to company’s official website, fill up scratch off codes appeared on the sticker, its legitimacy is checked and tell you “Genuine” or “Fake” product.
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🌟🌟本公司產品取得香港標準及檢定中心STC驗測認証🌟🌟❌ 絕不含西藥成份❌ 不含「米諾地爾 Minoxidil」❌

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🌟🌟🌟泰國官方正貨Lab Test成份表🌟🌟🌟

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Neo Hair Lotion 產品,新註冊號 10-1-6200028780 首次生產日期為 2019 年 10 月 1 日起。
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⚠️ 泰國警方與食品和藥物管理局及相關媒體機構合作,多次破獲仿真度極高的 Neo Hair Lotion ⚠️ The Royal Thai Police, Crime Suppression Division, Food and Drug Administration and related agencies Join the press conference on the search and arrest of smugglers selling counterfeit neo-hair lotion products in Pathum Thaniland area. which found that there are products #fake neo hair and many other fake brands.



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💢最近亦發現網絡上有好幾間店舖,跟本店有99 %相似

😢無論店名、相片、網址..... 藉此混淆客人😣😣😣

我們的Neo Hair Lotion 多年來都是直接與廠商取貨

👍🏼優質香港代理👍🏼保證100% 正貨

✈️ ✈️ 原廠 DHL 直送 ✈️ ✈️

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本店評價全是🈵️意及正面的💪🏻搽上頭喎💆🏻💆🏻‍♀️當然要選擇 有品質信譽保證的小店

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支持🚚「貨到付款」順豐速運Cash on Delivery 🚚📦

⚠️⚠️須選擇「順豐站自取」或「上門派送」服務 ✅支付寶 Alipay HK✅ WeChat Pay 微信支付✅PayMe✅八達通
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